
From atomic magnetometry to image memory

HI all,

The second Optics Group Optical Sciences Seminar will be given by Francesco Castellucci. The talk is titled "From atomic magnetometry to image memory", and will be given on 18th July at 15:00 in Kelvin Room 222.

The spherical orientation of a magnetic field can be seen through the interaction between light with Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) and a cold atomic cloud. Applying two vector vortex beams to a cloud of atoms, the azimuth angle of the magnetic field is seen in the linear rotation of the transmitted pattern, and the inclination is reflected in a fracturing of the observed image. Using a similar setup it should be possible for any kind of complex beam to be stored in the magnetic dipoles of the atoms.
Unfortunately I cannot make it. However, Sara Restuccia will host the Seminar and provide snacks in the common room afterwards.



Bell inequality in full field images of spontaneous parametric down-conversion

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are having a great summer so far. This weeks Optical Sciences Seminar will be given by Paul-Antoine Moreau of the Optics Group. The talk is titled "Bell inequality in full field images of spontaneous parametric down-conversion", and will be given on 4th July at 15:00 in Kelvin Room 312.

We use an imaging setup based on heralded imaging to test a Bell-CHSH inequality within images. Based on a single full-field image accumulated by summing camera frames we find that the Bell inequality is violated.
Loophole free demonstrations of Bell non-locality have been performed recently. But testing Bell inequalities in new domains remains an objective of importance given the very pivotal role that Bell non-locality could play within the emergence of quantum technologies. We report on an attempt at performing such a demonstration in the context of quantum imaging.
With the common room still out of action snacks will be provided outside Room 312 when the talk finishes.

See you there!