
Compressive light-sheet microscopy by Chiara Garbellotto

Hello everyone,

Chiara will be our next presenter at the optical sciences seminars. She will talk about her work on light-sheet microscopy: "I'll summarise what I've done so far during my PhD and talk about what I'm working on at the moment (tiling light-sheet, z-compressed light-sheet), hoping to get some inspiration/suggestions/advice."

Check out a 3 minute thesis winning video by Chiara for a very cartoon-y intro to light-sheet microscopy  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WM8D_A4leY

Please note that there is a change in venue and time.

Date: Thursday 22nd November
Time: 16:30
Venue:  Room 255A SUPA VC room

We will be having some mulled wine and mince pies after the talk in the common room. See you all there! :)



Computational imaging in infrared domain using multiple cameras and more..

Hello everyone!

It's Imaging concepts group's turn to present this week. Dr. Miguel Preciado will be presenting his research on building low-cost infrared camera arrays for enhanced capabilities such as Integral (light-field) imaging, Pixel super-resolution, and multi-spectral imaging. Click here for more details on the topic.

Date: Thursday 8th November
Time: 16:00
Venue:  Room 257

Snacks will be provided in the common room after the seminar.
