
Quantum Gyroscope: using Hong-Ou-Mandel interference to test the role of relativity in quantum mechanics

Hello all!

This weeks Optical Sciences Seminar will be given by Sara Restuccia. The talk is titled "Quantum Gyroscope: using Hong-Ou-Mandel interference to test the role of relativity in quantum mechanics", and will be given on 7th November at 15:00 in room 222.


We test the role of relativity in quantum mechanics by studying the behaviour of entangled photons in a noninertial reference frame, in our experiment a rotating platform. Hence, we set up a fibre gyroscope, where two counterpropagating waves interfere at a common beamsplitter. Classically, this results in interference fringes which shift when the interferometer is rotated, in a phenomenon known as the Sagnac effect. In a nonclassical system, the interference of two entangled photons at a beamsplitter produces a phenomenon known as the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect (HOM). Here, a characteristic HOM dip in the coincidences of the detected photons is observed when the photons are indistinguishable. By setting our HOM on a rotating platform we were able to measure a shift in the position of the HOM dip as a function of the rotation speed. This relative delay in the photons arrival is equivalent to the classical Sagnac effect with the sole difference being that while in the classical set-up the rotation motion induces a change in the interference of the two beams, in the quantum set-up the change is in the quantum interference of the two photons.

Snacks will be provided in the common room after the talk!

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