The first talk of the year will be given on Thursday 17th January by Scarlett Gao from the Quantum Theory group on the following:
Skyrmion structure in vector beams
Vector beams have both a spatially varying amplitude and polarization, for light, or spin direction for electrons. Associated with these we find a topological feature, the skyrmion number, that it is robust against any deformation during propagation. The simplest way to map out this feature is to use the associated skyrmion field. This is a transverse or divergenceless field and so has neither sources nor sinks. Mapping out the skyrmion field for these beams reveals constraints on the manner in which vector beams can be manipulated.
The talk will begin at 4pm in lecture theatre 312 and will last around 20 minutes. This will be followed by refreshments in the common room.
Hope to see you there!